邮件: dhyang@xmu.edu.cn
杨达候博士主要围绕微流控技术、生物微机电系统和生物医学工程相关的交叉学科开展研究,成果曾多次发表在该领域高水平期刊如:Lab on a Chip, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Analytical Chemistry, Nano letters等。
2015/9 – 2019/8 新加坡科技与设计大学,工程产品开发,博士
2011/9-2015/7 电子科技大学,生物医学工程,学士
2022/2-至今 厦门大学公共卫生学院,助理教授
2019/9 -2021/12 新加坡-麻省理工学院科研与技术联盟中心,博士后
1. D. Yang and Y. Ai; Microfluidic impedance cytometry device with N-shaped electrodes for lateral position measurement of single cells/particles. Lab on a Chip 2019, 19 (21), 3609-3617. (inside front cover)
2. D. Yang*, Y. Zhou*, Y. Zhou, J. Han and Y. Ai; Biophysical phenotyping of single cells using a differential multiconstriction microfluidic device with self-aligned 3D electrodes. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2019, 133, 16-23. ( *co-first author)
3. Y. Zhou*, D. Yang*, Y. Zhou, B. L. Khoo, J. Han and Y. Ai; Characterizing deformability and electrical impedance of cancer cells in a microfluidic device. Analytical Chemistry 2018, 90 (1), 912-919. ( *co-first author)
4. D. Yang*, G. Subramanian*, J. Duan, S. Gao, L. Bai, R. Chandramohanadas, et al.; A portable image-based cytometer for rapid malaria detection and quantification. PloS One 2017, 12 (6), e017916. ( *co-first author)
5. D. Yang, M. Tayebi, Y. Huang, H. Y. Yang and Y. Ai; A microfluidic DNA sensor based on three-dimensional (3D) hierarchical MoS(2)/Carbon nanotube nanocomposites. Sensors 2016, 16 (11).
6. M. Tayebi, D. Yang, D. J. Collins and Y. Ai; Deterministic sorting of submicron particles and extracellular vesicles using a combined electric and acoustic field. Nano Letters 2021, 21(16), 6835-6842.
7. M. Liang, D. Yang, Y. Zhou, P. Li, J. Zhong and Y. Ai; Single cell stretching in viscoelastic fluids with electronically triggered imaging for cellular mechanical phenotyping. Analytical Chemistry 2021, 93 (10), 4567-4575.
8. J. Zhong, D. Yang, Y. Zhou, M. Liang and Y. Ai.; Multi-frequency single cell electrical impedance measurement for label-free cell viability analysis. Analyst 2021, 146 (6), 1848-1858.
9. X. Lu, J. J. M. Chow, S. H. Koo, B. Jiang, T. Y. Tan, D. Yang, et al.; Sheathless and high-throughput bacterial isolation for molecular diagnosis of bloodstream pneumonia infection with non-Newtonian fluid . Lab on a Chip 2021, 21(11), 2163-2177.
10. Y. Yang, Y. Wu, D. Yang, S. H. Neo, N. D. Kadir, D. Goh, et al., Secretive derived from hypoxia preconditioned mesenchymal stem cells promote cartilage regeneration and mitigate joint inflammation via extracellular vesicles. Bioactive Materials 2023, 27, 98-112.
11. S. S. Thamarath, C. A. Tee, S. H. Neo, D. Yang, R. Othman, L. A. Boyer, et al., Rapid and Live-Cell Detection of Senescence in Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Micro Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry, Stem Cells Transl Med 2023, DOI: 10.1093/stcltm/szad014
1. 厦门市自然科学基金面上项目, 基于微流控平台的一体化快速数字PCR 检测, 2022-07 至 2025-06,在研,主持
2. 新加坡国家研究基金会,制造个性化医疗的关键分析,2019.06 - 2023.05,在研,参与